Canada History


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Arts | Colonial | Empire | Explorers | Federal | Frontier | International  | Leaders | National | Native | News | Regional | United States | War

Address de la Confederation | Andrew Drew | Annexation Manifesto | Annexation Movement | Baldwin Opposition | Christie NWT | Chronicles of Frontenac | Death of Wolfe and Montcalm | Devercheres | Dubas Canada | Elgin to Grey | Elizabeth Lount | English Aggression | Galissonieres Memoir | Galts Letter | Issac Buchanan | Jesus Missionary | Lactedel union | Laura Secord | Lord Durhams Report | Lord Elgin | Mackenzie Rebellion | Marquis de Seignelay | Memoir on English Aggression | New France | New York Hearld | Quebec Act 1774 | Reciprocity | Robson Canada Bill | Stoney Creek | Treaty of Paris 1763 | Union of Upper and Lower Canada | Union | Voyages Champlain | Voyages Champlain II | Voyages Champlain III | Voyages of Radisson

The colonial period began when the first permanent settlements were established in Montreal, Quebec, Port Royal and along the Atlantic coast. This period covers the growing rivalry between England and France which cumulates in the defeat of the French forces by the English army on the Plains of Abraham and the consolidation of New France as a part of British North America.

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