Canada History


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Arts | Colonial | Empire | Explorers | Federal | Frontier | International  | Leaders | National | Native | News | Regional | United States | War

1969 White Paper | BC Native Land Claims | Chief Dan George | Cree Appeal to Quebec Referendum | Dene Declaration | Indian Act | Innu Declaration | Iroquois Constitution | Native Soldiers | Ojibway Poems | Old Indian Legends | Sioux Legends |Sir George Simpson | Treaties 1 - 2 | Treaty Eleven | Treaty Five | Treaty Four | Treaty Seven | Treaty Ten | Treaty Three | US Six Nations Treaty

Aboriginal documents reflect their traditions, beliefs and aspirations as well as the agreements with the British and Canadian authorities. The treaty process is still ongoing in modern Canada but it is somewhat instructive and enlightening when reading previous treaty texts to understand how much different the process is today.

Article/Document/Material Source: